Mesothelioma Settlements
As more people develop mesothelioma after years of deadly exposure to asbestos, victims are teaming up with aggressive lawyers to file lawsuits against the responsible parties - often large corporations who manufacture or supply products containing asbestos. Below are a few examples of cases where the victim was awarded a large sum of money for medical bills, pain and suffering, loss of wages, and even punitive damages. If you or a loved one has been affected by asbestos, please contact an experienced attorney in your area today.

Please note that the cases below should not be considered average mesothelioma settlements.
Ex-Brake Reliner for Chrysler Gets $25M after 20 Years of Asbestos Exposure
In 2006, DaimlerChrysler AG was ordered to pay $25 million to a New York City man who lost his right lung to mesothelioma. The plaintiff developed the disease after being exposed to asbestos while relining the brakes on Chrysler cars for 20 years. Chrysler was charged with acting with "reckless disregard for the safety of others."
Jury Awards $16.25M to Man with Mesothelioma
A Florida jury awarded $16.25 million to a 71-year-old man living with mesothelioma, which he believes stems from handling asbestos-laden dental products in the 1960s. The former mail carrier was considering a career change and enrolled in dental technician school, where he handled dental casing tape that he claimed contained asbestos. The jury sided with the plaintiff during his trial and ordered the defendant, Kerr Corp. dental supply company, to pay financial damages. The jury also found Dentsply Corp., another dental supply company, and the Todd Shipyards partially responsible for the man's exposure to asbestos.
Georgia Pacific Pays Woman with Mesothelioma $7M
A San Francisco woman exposed to asbestos while working in the home remodeling business over 20 years ago was awarded more than $7 million in March 2008. She was diagnosed with mesothelioma two years prior, and after her diagnosis sued Georgia Pacific, who manufactured an asbestos-containing product that the woman and her husband used. Evidence from the trial also showed that Georgia Pacific continued to manufacture the product even after they learned it contained asbestos. The woman settled out-of-court with several other companies involved, and Georgia Pacific was ordered to pay her $7 million, which was 30 percent of the total award.
For More Information about Mesothelioma Cases, Contact an Experienced Attorney
DocShop's listings can help you find aggressive, professional legal representation in your area if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma after exposure to asbestos. Please contact a local asbestos attorney today.
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