Erb's Palsy
Erb's palsy occurs when a birth injury affects the nerves that connect the spine, wrist, shoulder, and arm. This happens when a babies shoulder gets caught behind their mother's pelvic bone during the birth process.

Oftentimes, when medical professionals attempt to free the child's shoulder nerves stretch or tear. This causes weakness or complete paralysis in the arm. There are four different types of Erb's palsy injury that can occur, let's examine them.
Erb's Palsy Injury Types
Avulsion is the most severe type of injury that can occur. This injury is classified by a tear to the spine. In this injury the nerve to the spine is ripped away completely.
A rupture occurs when the nerve is torn, but not where it attaches to the spine.
A neuroma occurs when the nerve is torn, healing occurs, but scar tissue develop around the tear.
Finally, the most common brachial plexus injury is a neuropraxia, a stretch of the nerve that causes damage, but the nerve does not tear.
Prognosis for Erb's Palsy
The outlook for Erb's palsy patients depends largely upon the type of injury they have suffered. Sometimes they have temporary paralysis or limited mobility. Other times, the paralysis or limited mobility is permanent.
The birth injury that causes Erb's palsy can also lead to other problems. It can cause imbalances in the muscular or skeletal system. These can lead to deformities that are outwardly visible. For instance, in some cases people with Erb's palsy ay have one limb that is shorter than the other.
Treating Erb's Palsy
There are many different methods of treatment used for people who have Erb's palsy. Surgical repair is used to repair damage to the nerves and improve function. Therapy is used to improve everyday living. Other treatments are prescribed as necessary.
Consult an Erb's Palsy Attorney
If you suspect that medical negligence contributed to your child's Erb's palsy, we encourage you to take a moment to get in touch with an experienced Erb's palsy lawyer. You may be entitled to financial compensation for your child's injuries. An Erb's palsy attorney can review your case to determine its validity.
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