Physical Therapy for Cerebral Palsy
While cerebral palsy is not a curable condition, it is a manageable one. In fact, cerebral palsy is not a progressive condition, so if you can manage the problems you have, you can make life a lot more comfortable. Additionally, you can prevent the development of more problems that may occur as a result of cerebral palsy, such as atrophy and other muscle abnormalities.

Physical therapy for cerebral palsy is one of the most important and effective treatments available. It can be particularly effective when combined with occupational therapy, speech therapy, psychotherapy, or certain medications.
Muscle Training
One part of cerebral palsy physical therapy treatment focuses on muscle training and exercise. This helps keep the body strong and may even improve strength in weakened areas of the body. It may also help those with cerebral palsy improve their balance and mobility. This is an important part of treating cerebral palsy because it helps a person function in his or her everyday life. In many cases, it can lead to greater independence.
Stretching as Cerebral Palsy Treatment
Another important aspect of cerebral palsy physical therapy treatments is stretching exercises. Stretching is integral to maintaining mobility and function for cerebral palsy patients. This because stretching helps slow the formation of the muscle contractures that limit the range of motion of the body's joints. For many, this is the difference between being wheelchair bound and having the ability to walk.
Equipment and Devices for Cerebral Palsy Treatment
Cerebral palsy physical therapy also focuses on the use and proper selection of life-assisting devices. Many people with cerebral palsy use mobility devices such as wheelchairs and braces. A physical therapist can assess the patient when treating cerebral palsy. During this assessment, the physical therapist will figure out which device is best for his or her patient's condition. The physical therapist can also help the person with cerebral palsy function with that device more easily. This is particularly important for children who may have trouble adjusting to mobility-assisting devices.
Consult a Cerebral Palsy Attorney
For additional information on physical therapy for cerebral palsy as well as other cerebral palsy treatments and assistive devices for cerebral palsy, it is important for you to contact a specialist in your area. If the cerebral palsy was the result of medical malpractice, it is imperative that you speak with a cerebral palsy lawyer for a legal consultation. You or your child could be eligible to receive financial compensation to help pay for treatment for this lifelong condition.
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