The Byetta Lawsuit

Byetta and the FDA

Type 2 diabetes drug Byetta was approved the Food and Drug Administration as a subcutaneous injection to be administered twice daily to help reduce blood sugar levels. It was first put on pharmacy shelves in 2005.

Not long after its release, serious health problems were being reported to the FDA in connection to Byetta. In 2007, the agency issued an alert to physicians notifying them that the government had received complaints about over two dozen cases of acute pancreatitis in Byetta patients. 

A year later, the FDA was forced to report that problems were escalating and announced that six more cases of necrotizing pancreatitis or hemorrhagic pancreatitis had been reported, in addition to at least two deaths in association with the medication.

illustration of the intestines and pancreas
Byetta has been associated with a number of serious, and potentially fatal conditions of the pancreas.

Byetta Side Effects

Byetta has been associated with a number of serious, and potentially fatal conditions of the pancreas:

  • Acute pancreatitis, a sudden inflammation of the pancreas
  • Chronic pancreatitis, a persistent inflammation of the pancreas
  • Hemorrhagic pancreatitis, massive bleeding of the pancreas
  • Necrotizing pancreatitis, tissue damage which leads to organ failure or death

If you have severe abdominal pain, back and shoulder pain, and/or fever, consult with a medical professional immediately.

Byetta Lawsuit

If you or a loved one used the medication Byetta (exenatide) to treat type 2 diabetes and suffered a serious complication or side effect, you may be eligible to file a Byetta lawsuit. Lawsuits claim that pharmaceutical giants Amylin Pharmaceuticals and Eli Lilly & Co. were aware of the dangers associated with their drug and were negligent in warning government regulators and the public about the possibility of serious side effects. Contact us today for a free, no obligation case review.

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