Hire a Fluoroquinolones Attorney
After an enormous amount of pressure from consumer advocacy groups, the Food and Drug Administration required the manufacturers of fluoroquinolone antibiotics to add a black box warning label to their products. Despite the update to the drugs' safety labels, many patients who were taking fluoroquinolones such as Levaquin and Cipro have developed debilitating tendon injuries. If you have suffered an injury as a result of a fluoroquinolones antibiotic, you need to consult an attorney.

Serious Side Effects of Fluoroquinolones
The black box warning advises patients and medical professionals that fluoroquinolone antibiotics can cause a tendon rupture or tendonitis to occur. In fact, some studies have shown that these drugs can increase the likelihood of tendon rupture or tendonitis by three or four times the average rate; further, tendon rupture can occur with as little as one dose of a fluoroquinolones antibiotic.
How a Fluoroquinolones Attorney Can Help
An attorney can help you take all the necessary legal steps to file a Cipro or Levaquin lawsuit and seek compensation if you have suffered injury as a result of taking a dangerous drug. When you hire a defective drug attorney, he or she will review your medical records with a team of experts to determine the extent of the damage fluoroquinolones has caused you. A lawyer will also try to prove liability on the part of the company that manufactures or markets the product. You may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering as a result of your fluoroquinolones-related injuries.
Consult a Lawyer
If you or a loved one has been harmed by the use of fluoroquinolones, you should contact a fluoroquinolones attorney to find out if you are eligible for compensation for your injuries or hardship.