Testosterone Therapy Lawsuit
Pharmaceutical companies have aggressively marketed testosterone supplements to men who experience low sex-drive, fatigue and changes in mood. Often times, the men who are prescribed this medication are not suffering from a deficiency in testosterone.
From 2000 to 2011, the number of men taking testosterone supplements increased by 500 percent. According to the FDA, testosterone supplements were specifically approved to treat low testosterone levels associated with a medical condition. However, recent studies have found that men are being prescribed the treatment for natural reductions in testosterone levels that all men experience as part of the aging process. This has led many patients to file claims in the testosterone therapy lawsuit.
Risks Associated with Low Testosterone Therapy
In many cases, testosterone therapy is prescribed for men who do not have below-normal levels of testosterone. Because manufacturers did not warn of the side effects associated with testosterone therapy, unsuspecting consumers are being unnecessarily exposed to medication that may have life altering consequences.
Low testosterone therapy has been linked to an increased risk of severe conditions, including:
- Heart attacks
- Strokes
- Blood clots
- Death
Testosterone Therapy or “Low T” Lawsuits
Millions of people in the United States have been prescribed low testosterone therapy, often without being informed of the risks involved. Many of these people have experienced serious side effects from these products.
Low testosterone therapy has increased 500 percent in recent years due to aggressive marketing on the behalf of pharmaceutical companies.
At Impact Law, we are committed to helping our clients protect their rights. Our nationwide network has extensive experience in lawsuits involving personal injury, defective drugs, and defective medical devices. If you or a loved one has been harmed by taking low testosterone therapy, contact us for a free evaluation of your potential case.

Helping Testosterone Supplement Users Pursue Justice
If you or a loved one have experienced a heart attack, stroke, blood clot, or death after being prescribed testosterone therapy, you may be able to take legal steps to receiving compensation.
Low testosterone therapy has increased 500 percent in recent years due to aggressive marketing on the behalf of pharmaceutical companies. Oftentimes, men who are not appropriate candidates for the drug are prescribed testosterone to treat fatigue, “grumpiness”, and low sex-drive – all of which may not be related to a deficiency in the hormone.
Examples of Low Testosterone Supplements
A recent study has associated the use of testosterone supplements with an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, blood clots, and death. These supplements include:
- Gel: AndroGel, Axiron, and Bio-T Gel
- Gel: Fortesta and Testim
- Patches: AndroDerm
- Injections: Delatestryl
- Injections: Depo-Testosterone
- Implants: Testopel
- Pills: Striant
Risks Associated With Testosterone & Low T Therapy
Millions of men have been prescribed testosterone supplement products without full risks being disclosed. More and more studies have associated these “low t” treatment drugs to heart disease, heart attack, stroke, or even death. In some groups, the risk of heart attack tripled after use of prescription testosterone – the FDA has announced that it is investigating the safety of these products.
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