Car Accident Settlements
After being injured in a car accident, you will likely have large medical bills at a time when you may be unable to work. In some unfortunate cases, the victims of car accidents are permanently disabled, limiting their potential employability and other activities. Fortunately, personal injury lawyers specializing in automotive accidents are available nationwide to help you claim compensation for your injuries.
$100 Million: Largest Ever Single-Family Personal Injury Settlement in Illinois
After the family of a Chicago reverend was involved in a catastrophic car accident in which the reverend and his wife narrowly escaped while their six children died, the couple settled out of court for $100 million with the shipping company Transamerica Leasing, Inc. The accident was caused when the taillight assembly detached from a Transamerica Leasing truck and became lodged in the family’s gas tank, causing sparks and igniting an explosion.
$24 Million: Canadian Accident Victims Receive Record Settlement
Two Canadian men received a combined $24 million after they were passengers in a one-car accident in 2003. One victim suffered a severe spinal cord injury, while the other sustained a brain injury. The $24 million is intended to compensate them for lost income and medical expenses, among other damages. The $12.5 million award given to the man with the spinal injury represents the largest award ever to a victim of such an injury, while the $11.5 million given to the brain injury victim is one of the largest ever for that type of injury.
$21 Million: Permanent Brain Injury in a Car/Truck Accident
$21 million was awarded to a woman who suffered internal bleeding in the brain after being rear-ended by a large truck. The truck driver claimed his brakes failed. After undergoing surgery to remove blood from her brain cavity, she suffered a temporary coma and permanently impaired memory and concentration. She was unable to continue in her job. Her attorney, from Bostwick, Peterson & Mitchell in San Francisco, convinced the jury to award her $21 million – six times the defendant’s final offer in negotiations – after showing that there was no brake failure.
$6 Million: Wrongful Death in Car Crash
In 2006, the city of Dearborn, MI agreed to pay $6 million to the family of a wrongful death victim after he was killed when struck by a traffic ordinance officer employed by the city who was involved in a high-speed chase. The city’s insurers initially refused to pay any amount, but were ultimately forced to capitulate.
$4.1 Million: Uninsured Delivery Driver Paralyzes Passenger
After being paralyzed from the waist down, the passenger in a car crash learned that the driver was uninsured. Because the driver was a delivery worker for the New York Times and was on the job, the plaintiff’s attorney was able to secure a $4.1 million out-of-court settlement from the New York Times despite the fact that the Times claimed the worker was an independent contractor.
Find a Local Car Accident Attorney through ImpactLaw
If you or someone you love has been involved in a serious car accident, you need someone representing you who knows how to protect your rights. Use the ImpactLaw database to locate an expert attorney practicing in your area. Effective legal representation is the best way to get the money you need after being injured in an accident.