Brain Injury Settlements
Experienced attorneys can help brain injury victims and their families pursue monetary compensation for medical expenses related to the head injury, as well the cost of long-term care so that they can move on with their lives. Below are a few notable brain injury settlements and verdicts that have been acheived.

Brain Damage from Birth Injury - $60.9 Million Settlement
The parents filed a lawsuit against the federal government for negligence after their son was born with severe brain damage at a Jacksonville Navy hospital in 2002. The suit, which was filed under the Federal Tort Claims Act, claimed that the doctors, who are government employees, acted negligently by waiting too long to perform a cesarean section. The federal government agreed to pay the family $60.9 million in the settlement.
Car Accident - $9 Million Settlement
The family of a teenage girl who suffered a severe brain injury after she lost control of her vehicle and crashed into a city-built fence was awarded $9 million from the city of San Dimas, California. Part of the fence pierced the girl’s car, damaging her skull and injuring her brain. The lawsuit filed by the family against the city of San Dimas claimed that the wooden-log fence was unsafe and caused their daughter’s severe brain damage.
Pedestrian Accident - $7.5 Million Settlement
The city of Norfolk, Virginia, agreed to pay $7.5 million to the mother of a teenage boy who was injured when a city truck, driven by a city employee, struck him while he was standing in the median on Brambleton Avenue. The teenager suffered severe brain injuries. He functions at the level of an 11-year-old and will never be able to work.
SUV Rollover Accident – $6.5 Million Verdict
In 2008, the mother of a 41-year-old man who was left with severe brain damage after a vehicle rollover accident was awarded $6.5 million from the Ford Motor Company. The man was injured when one of the tires on the 1993 Ford Explorer he was driving lost its tread, causing the vehicle to spin out of control and roll over. He was ejected from the vehicle and suffered severe brain injuries. The jury found that a defect in the Ford Explorer’s suspension was partly to blame for the accident. Since the man was found to be 35 percent responsible for the accident, his mother received $6.5 million of the $10 million the jury initially awarded.
Connect with a Brain Injury Lawyer for Help with Your Case
If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury due to the negligent or careless actions of another, an experienced attorney can help you pursue the compensation you deserve from those at fault. Connect with an experienced brain injury lawyer in your area through Impact Law and take the first step toward achieving justice.