Premises Liability Statistics
Have you or a member of your family suffered a brain injury, a spinal cord injury, a broken bone, or another type of personal injury because a property owner failed to maintain his or her premises? If so, you are not alone. Premises liability statistics suggest that these types of accidents are a common cause of injury and that the injured party has a significant chance of recovering damages for their injuries.

Incidence of Premises Liability Claims
Between 1992 and 2001, product liability and premises liability cases saw the sharpest decline in the number of tort cases, while medical malpractice and automobile accident cases increased the most.
Premises Liability Litigation
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) reports that in 2001, premises liability cases accounted for 11 percent of civil cases disposed of by trial. Jury trials decided more than 90 percent of medical malpractice and premises liability cases. Of these product liability cases, 100 percent of asbestos cases were decided by jury trial.
Premises Liability Damages
Reports by the DOJ show that each year about 4 billion dollars are awarded to compensate premises liability injury victims. About 6 percent of premises liability cases result in punitive damages being awarded on top of actual damages.
Premise Liability and Wrongful Death
Of the 11,908 civil trials in 2001, 452 involved a wrongful death claim. Of these, five percent involved premises liability.
Occupational Injuries and Premises Liability
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) reports that, in 2006, there were 234,450 nonfatal and 789 fatal slip-and-fall accidents in private workplaces. The majority of these injuries occurred in industrial settings, which tend to be inherently more hazardous than service or business settings. For example, the Center for Disease (CDC) reports that, in 2006, there were 1,239 fatal injuries caused by construction site accidents – up from 1,131 in 2003.
Locate a Premises Liability Lawyer near You
If you have sustained an injury because of a property owner’s negligence, you need exceptional legal representation to pursue damages for your injuries. Please contact an experienced premises liability attorney in your area.
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