Defective Car Seats and Child Restraint Systems
There is nothing more precious to parents than their children, and there is no piece of safety equipment more important to them than their infant car seats. Parents rely on these car seats to provide exceptional protection to the fragile bodies of their young children in the event of an accident, and they should be able to trust that the manufacturers of these seats have taken every possible measure to ensure that they are free from defect.

Yet, automobile accidents remain the single largest cause of death among children between the ages of five and eight – the age up to which it is advisable to use child safety restraints to secure children – according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Tragically, many of these deaths could have been avoided if the child restraints had worked properly.
Car Seat Recalls and Product Liability Law
In the past decade, millions of car seats have been recalled due to various design flaws, including shells that are not strong enough to withstand an impact, materials that are flammable or otherwise dangerous, and faulty harness systems. Unfortunately, many potentially dangerous car seats remain in use, placing countless children at risk of catastrophic personal injury or wrongful death, usually without their parents’ knowledge.
Although most manufacturers are conscionable enough to issue recalls when warranted, proper safety and quality control standards could have prevented these defective car seats from being made available to the public in the first place. As a result, if a child is injured or killed due to a defective car seat or child restraint system, the manufacturers may be held liable under product liability law.
Locate a Defective Car Seat Attorney in Your Community
If your child has been injured or killed due to a defective car seat, please accept the condolences of the ImpactLaw team, as well as the invitation to use ImpactLaw to locate a defective car seat attorney near you today. A skilled, experienced attorney can provide the guidance you need during a most difficult period, helping you to recover financial compensation to cover your losses and expenses.
Whether your car seat was manufactured by Cosco, Evenflo, Fisher-Price, Britax, Graco, Kolcraft, Century, or another manufacturer, a qualified personal injury attorney can take aggressive action against the liable manufacturer while treating you with the respect and compassion you need and deserve.
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