Denture Cream

If you are among the more than 30 million denture wearers in the country who also use denture cream you may have been affected by the toxic qualities of some of these products. You may also be eligible to join those who have filed denture cream lawsuit because you, like many other victims, were not warned about these dangers.

Denture cream dangers
Many users of denture cream have suffered zinc toxicity, a potentially dangerous condition.

What is Zinc Toxicity?

The most common reported side effect contained in these allegations is that the use of products such as Poligrip and Fixodent can cause zinc poisoning or copper depletion, otherwise known as “zinc toxicity,”€ which can lead to neurological problems. The most commonly reported symptoms are: 

  • unexplained fatigue
  • loss of sensation
  • numbness
  • tingling
  • pain in extremities
  • loss of balance

These conditions may be caused by the effects of copper depletion and zinc poisoning on the neurological system. Associated conditions such as idiopathic neuropathy, myelopathy, reduced copper levels, anemia or bone marrow failure, require prompt medical treatment. There are several medical tests which can be performed to analyze this problem, such as serum tests, urine tests, and blood tests.

Denture Cream & Zinc Toxicity

It is not unusual for denture wearers to have ill-fitting dentures and resort to using large amounts of denture cream. According to allegations in lawsuits and findings in medical research, some of these products can adversely affect the nervous system. One such finding, reported in the medical journal Neurology, linked denture cream use to neurological problems.

If you have experienced zinc toxicity or neurological problems as a result of denture cream use, please contact our responsive legal team for a free consultation about the merits of your case. Be aware that there may be time limits affecting your right to file a denture cream lawsuit so please contact us as soon as possible.

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