Detecting Chinese Drywall in Your Home
If your home was built in the last 15 years, you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to find out if Chinese drywall was used in the construction. If so, you could face economic and medical hardship.

Mounting evidence shows that Chinese drywall may be destroying air conditioning systems, electrical wiring, and even plumbing. And it may be causing physical ailments and symptoms including eye irritation, nausea, shortness of breath, sore throat, and other problems.
What's in Your Drywall?
Chinese drywall is made with a by-product of coal burning, and releases chemical fumes into the air, especially when subjected to heat and humidity. One of the chemicals in defective Chinese drywall is sulfur dioxide, creating a smell like rotten eggs, often the first clue of problems to come.
The first damage that turned up in homes with defective Chinese drywall was corrosion of the copper components of air conditioning units. Less common, but also costly, is corrosion of copper electrical wiring and even copper water pipes. The medical problems reported may take longer to confirm, but the circumstantial evidence is building and the common factor seems to be living in homes built with Chinese drywall.
Millions of Pounds of Defective Drywall Imported from China
The building boom of the last several years saw the importing of about 500 million pounds of Chinese drywall when American production couldn't keep up with demand. The highest concentration of suspected problems has been reported in the Southeast, where temperatures are warm and humidity high, but Chinese drywall was used for home construction in several states all across the country.
Speak to an Attorney
Wherever you live, if you have experienced damage to your home or to your health that may be caused by exposure to Chinese drywall, it is imperative that you contact an attorney who can help you learn what your home is made of and seek the financial compensation necessary to help you deal with the results.
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