Cerebral Palsy FAQ
For a range of information on cerebral palsy, read answers to frequently asked questions regarding the condition. From the causes of the disorder to cerebral palsy treatment and when you should contact an attorney, the below information provides an overview of cerebral palsy.

Is cerebral palsy progressive?
Cerebral palsy itself is not a progressive disease. The conditions and disabilities that can arise from cerebral palsy may improve, worsen, or remain unchanged with time.
Is cerebral palsy contagious?
Cerebral palsy is not contagious. It is not a disease and should not be considered as such. Cerebral palsy is caused by injury suffered near the time of birth. There is nothing to be feared by being near someone with cerebral palsy.
Can cerebral palsy be acquired later in life?
You cannot acquire true cerebral palsy later in life. There is a form of palsy similar to cerebral palsy that can be sustained by traumatic brain injuries. Typical causes of this similar form of palsy are auto accidents, falls, child abuse, and brain infection.
How many people have cerebral palsy?
Approximately 500,000 people in the United States have cerebral palsy. About 5,000 children are diagnosed with cerebral palsy each year and about 1,500 young children acquire cerebral palsy each year.
Can cerebral palsy be prevented?
Cerebral palsy may be prevented. Pregnant women that test Rh negative may be immunized to avoid bad effects of blood incompatibility with the child. Exchange transfusion can also prevent blood incompatibility with the newborn. If a child has jaundice, phototherapy (medical use of ultraviolet light) can prevent brain damage. Preventing viral infections, radiation exposure, drug abuse, anemia, and malnutrition in pregnant women is important. Equally important is protecting children from brain trauma after birth.
What happens when the child matures?
When thinking of the future for a child with cerebral palsy, it is important that parents keep a positive attitude, just as one would with any child. It is equally important to understand the child's abilities. A parent's hopes are likely a mix of realistic and unrealistic dreams for the child; professional help can enable the parent to adopt realistic goals. Often, a communication breakdown can occur when parents and health care experts discuss living with cerebral palsy. Improved communication between parents, physicians, and educators can enable a child to function at his or her utmost capability. Defining potential and ability is most critical during the teenage years and beyond when the patient's abilities are clearer to everyone involved.
Is my child entitled to financial compensation?
It is important for parents of children with this condition to seek legal information on cerebral palsy. If your child's cerebral palsy resulted from medical malpractice or negligence, you and your child may be entitled to compensation to help cover the cost of cerebral palsy treatment. An attorney can review your case and determine if you are eligible for damages for the cost of cerebral palsy treatment. Contact a lawyer for more information, and to find out if you have a viable cerebral palsy case.
Should I contact a cerebral palsy lawyer for more information?
If your child has suffered a birth injury before, during, or shortly after birth, contact a cerebral palsy attorney for more information on your legal rights. If you suspect that the condition resulted from negligence, you may be able to obtain compensation for some or all of the costs associated with cerebral palsy treatment. Contact an attorney for more information. A cerebral palsy lawyer can help.
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