How to Raise Children with Cerebral Palsy
The most important people in any child's life are, of course, their parents. Children require time, patience, love, dedication, and many other things. Raising a child with cerebral palsy requires more of these qualities. The emotional burdens brought about by raising a child with developmental, mental, or physical disabilities inevitably pose challenges to those raising the child. We have compiled a guide for how to raise children with cerebral palsy.

Seek Professional Therapy
When a parent first learns that their child has a disability, it is said that they will go through a process of grieving. This process is often described as similar to mourning a death, or going through a divorce. Five different stages of feelings that all parents of children of cerebral palsy will endure have been identified. These are shock, grief, denial, anger, and acceptance. This feelings model is not universal, as people will deal with things in their own way. However, most cerebral palsy parents will feel some degree of each, and professional therapy may be needed. There is no universal parent's guide describing how to handle children with cerebral palsy. Each must find their own way.
Assemble a Cerebral Palsy Treatment Team
The parents of children with cerebral palsy play an indispensable role in the development of their child. Each child will develop different abilities and talents. Some will be able to do things that others will not. The key is to enable the child to reach his or her potential. The first step in doing this is to assemble a cerebral palsy treatment team. This team will determine what kinds of cerebral palsy treatment and therapy would be best used to improve the life of the child.
The primary step in assembling this team is to find the right physician. The physician will head the team. Be sure to research and find a physician that you are comfortable with. He or she will be one of the most important people in the child's life, and therefore should have experience and expertise in dealing with children with disabilities. Because cerebral palsy involves the inner workings of the bones, tendons, and muscles, an orthopedic specialist should also be included in the primary care team. Other members of the treatment team should include a social worker, a behavioral therapist, an occupational therapist, a psychologist, a physical therapist, and a speech therapist.
Provide Support
In the final analysis, the progress a child with cerebral palsy makes toward improvement in physical and communicative ability may be in direct correlation with the amount of support given by the parents.
Seek Professionals for More Information
Cerebral palsy parents should talk to a physician to learn more about how to handle children with cerebral palsy. If your child's cerebral palsy was caused by medical malpractice or negligence, you may be eligible for financial restitution. Talk to a cerebral palsy attorney for a case review. A lawyer can determine whether you have a viable case and are entitled to compensation.
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